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Ultra-Concentrated, Super Thick and Soapy SLO MO SOFTWASH SURFACTANT for Sodium Hypochlorite

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PWP is excited to offer the thickest, ultra-concentrated, super soapy sodium hypochlorite stable surfactant available called SLO MO SOFTWASH SURFACTANT FOR SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE.

Slo Mo Surfactant is so thick that you will need less than HALF as much surfactant compared to what you have been using.  PWP is offering a 5 gallon bucket for $65 plus shipping.  Like the Hang Tite buckets, we box the buckets to save you an $8 handling charge by UPS.

Click here to purchase PWP's 5 Gallons SLO MO SOFTWASH Surfactant for SH

Edited by PressureWasherProducts
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This is an incredible chemical.  We haven't had this Slo Mo Softwash Surfactant in the past.  This is completely new and extremely soapy.       

This is extremely thick and will save you money.  Since ONE 5 Gallon Pail takes the place of two l five gallon pails including shipping on two 5's, it's going to save the average user, between $35-70 in shipping and $60 for saving a whole 5 gallons of Hang Tite.  The total savings can amount to $130 for the average SH Surfactant user needing it shipped.  You are saving energy, product and money and using an earth friendly surfactant!

Now that's being Green!!! 

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Well..... How much does shipping really cost on 4-6 BUCKETS of snot, clingon, Hang Tite, Green Wash or anything else?  

$100 for 4 on the very low side, $135 for 4 on the higher side, $150 for 6 and $210 for 6 buckets!  That adds a whole lot to your bottom line.  The more you pay for your chem, the less that goes in your pocket.

A single bucket of this dense surfactant that takes the place of 4-6 buckets costs anywhere from $20-45 to ship in the US.  We don’t pad shipping and put it in a box to save a $6 you handling fee.

We are going to send out new buckets with handles on the bottoms shortly.

Soooo, when you look at the cost of shipping a single bucket over shipping out 4-6 buckets, I think the savings speaks for itself!

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I don't mean that in a silly way either. That's just how a business works. Every single thing your business does is paid for by clients. If it costs more to provide better stuff, that cost goes to the client. Same with the grocery store. If gas goes up, so does the cost of my food. The problem with them is gas went down by HALF and food costs just kept going up, but that's another rant, lol! Ferrari doesn't give you plush leather at hyundai's cloth seat prices.

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1 hour ago, Pink Elephant said:

The link worked earlier for me. It timed out when I waited to long.  Now It doesn't go directly to Slo Mo. When I do get it and add to cart then hit check out it says my cart is empty.


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