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Hey Guys.

Really I'm not usually one to sit here and ask for Facebook Likes but today I am. LOL 

A buddy of mine invited all his friends to like my page and i got about 100 over night. I just thought that since I am a paid member of this group and many of us use social media that it would be cool to gain some freeby likes and inherit the benefits over other competitors in my area. I will do my best to like everyones page back and share your post from time to time. Thanks guys. 


or simply search Big Shot Pressure Washing on FB


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I've obliged.  If you would, please reciprocate by 'liking' my actual website, rather than our FB presence..

I don't understand the benefits of having folks in the same business 'liking' each other's FB pages.  Please help me understand - thanks!~

For me, I'm trying to get the first 25 likes so that Facebook will allow me a Facebook URL.  Like your facebook.com/americanprotech.  Because mine is new and says https://www.facebook.com/Tennessee-Soft-Wash-1677716555829980/ , I can't print it on anything until I get to choose a name. Of course, I could always beg friends and family...so I have asked on a couple of forums for likes until I can get it set up like I want.  

I don't think it benefits us much liking each others pages except for the perceived credibility for a new business. 

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For me, I'm trying to get the first 25 likes so that Facebook will allow me a Facebook URL.  Like your facebook.com/americanprotech.  Because mine is new and says https://www.facebook.com/Tennessee-Soft-Wash-1677716555829980/ , I can't print it on anything until I get to choose a name. Of course, I could always beg friends and family...so I have asked on a couple of forums for likes until I can get it set up like I want.  

I don't think it benefits us much liking each others pages except for the perceived credibility for a new business. 

That part I understand (FB URL)  thanks to YOUR post on the same on another forum  :-)  I'm about to PM you with the fast track on the likes for 'credibility' if that's your goal.  If anyone else is interested, please start a thread in the Premium section and I'll share.     

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For me, I'm trying to get the first 25 likes so that Facebook will allow me a Facebook URL.  Like your facebook.com/americanprotech.  Because mine is new and says https://www.facebook.com/Tennessee-Soft-Wash-1677716555829980/ , I can't print it on anything until I get to choose a name. Of course, I could always beg friends and family...so I have asked on a couple of forums for likes until I can get it set up like I want.  

I don't think it benefits us much liking each others pages except for the perceived credibility for a new business. 

You could start by placing your Facebook URL and website in your Signature

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You don't want anyone outside your area to like your page, even for fb likes to create a url. I just created a biz page and setup the url name when I created the page.  Also, the reason why you don't want anyone is you would want to target people who like your page and their friends once you get up a few hundred friends.  If you have a lot of guys outside your area, your money will be wasted. If you want to get likes, promote your page. Boost an ad, the likes will follow.

Edited by Travis Partington

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