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  1. Jeff I guess more than anything else it's just the lack of discussion.ItsFrustrating and disappointing From this form. All my attempts of conversation have been replied by one person. These discussions cannot be over everyone's Head.At least I hope not
  2. Jeff no disrespect to you or this form. But that's why I come on this forum in the past and that's why I'm on it right now discussion with group of a roof cleaners ,discussing Possibilities in answering questions to make roof cleaning better for everyone Where is everyone? Is everyone serious like you say on the other side? This form is definitely not like it used to be. You tell everybody use the search bar you need to use the search for yourself and look at all the replies and how people used to try to help each other. I don't want to pack it in I want to extend my season as long as possible. Pakistan was not the reply I was hoping for .Or expecting From this form
  3. It is 39 Degrees here right now. Straight chlorine would not be that much fun, warm water woukd be better.... mabe not the Best answerBut better than cold water
  4. Because it is 45 degrees here at 10:00 in the morning. Shingles are cooold. Warm water is alot better than a unusually hot mix
  5. Because its getting so cold up here in St Louis. And of course the hoses are becoming super stiff.Do you think wrapping them with a waterbed heater is a good idea.Just overnight.Maybe even wrap the tanks to ensure you have warm water in the morning.
  6. 1I don't have any questions I know that all I need to know I just wanted to have interaction with somebody that knows what I know.... It's a lot of effort like the conversation we're having right now. I'm not interested in being a premium member if you know this is how it's going to be. I'm not being a dick I just curious
  7. I have all the information to start my own form. .what I want is interaction
  8. it dose seem to be different, is there that much action over there
  9. why is there only two response to this question, where is everyone?
  10. how could this be a moot point if it is destroying is home owners shingles ?
  11. dose this Gloeocapsa Magma that you speak of need moisture or not? can it grow without moisture?
  12. If there is a low spot in a long stretch of gutter on the east, west or south side of the home that holds a small puddle of water that dose not drain down the down spout after it rains. ( maybe just a 8th inch deep ) when it gets hot dose the heat cause humidity above the puddle and cause the lip of first row of shingles over the puddle to become damp enough to allow the algae to spread and wick up the roof.
  13. Hi guys, it has been a while to say the least. In your opinion Are the dark dense areas of algae covering up the reflective granules on the shingles and causing the shingles to over heat and become dry and brittle? Is this true?
  14. did you get this worked out?
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