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Yorkshire Driveway Cleaning

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Driveway Cleaning

  1. Thanks for your response and here's me thinking the Banjo polypropylene products were good? The leaks I'm currently getting are coming from the thread part of the barbs and not the other end where the barb and the hose meet. What clear hose would you recommend instead of the one I have? This is all a learning curve for me as info it the UK is hard to come by and I wanted to get a basic system up and running, tested then roll it out to paying customers, once I know it works and there is a market for it which I don't doubt there will be I can invest in a better setup with air pump compressor etc. Thanks again Jonathan
  2. Also are my battery wires to thin to get the best out of the pump? Thanks Jonathan
  3. Hello folks, it's been a while since I was last on due to being extremely busy with my paving cleaning business since Feb this year. I'm finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel with build my first ever soft wash roof cleaning system (see attached photo, minus the marine battery and hose/sprayer) I've been running a couple of tests using only tap water but getting leaks from the banjo ball valves where the banjo barbs screw into them. I've tightened them up as much as I dare without damaging them but still getting small leaks. Would I be best to use PTFE tape on the threads or would lock tight work on poly propylene? Thanks in advance Jonathan
  4. Been using FB paid advertising for the past month for my pressure cleaning company and getting a fair bit of interested and carried out a few quotes with more coming in everyday. I've had a few time wasters but I guess that's all part of it. I'll keep you posted and let you know how it continues. Jonathan
  5. Chris I've built a replicate system to the Powerwash.com soft washing in a box system which is in an aluminium box I didn't want the pump to get too hot. I'm all new to this thing so was copying the Powerwash guys setup as I thought it looked like a good setup. I've read a fair amount on here and what keeps coming up is looking after the pump so it doesn't fail. If I'm doing the wrong thing in adding a cooling fan then please tell me. Thanks
  6. Just about got everything to build my first soft wash roof cleaning system just need to buy a 12v cooling fan, I'm guessing I just need a fair bog standard one to put in the aluminium case I have (the same setup as the Powerwash.com soft wash in a box system) or would I need a more heavy duty one? Thanks again for all your help and assistance Jonathan
  7. Hi Gary my master water nozzle has just been delivered, what a quality piece of kit it looks, very well made. How do you connect the nozzle to the Banjo two way valve? I've had a quick look and I can see a couple of polypropylene fittings that might do the job but wanted to check with you first to see what you use and recommend. If you could let me know asap I'd really appreciated that. If you can back it up with any links where I can source it that would be great Also with regards to the Banjo two way valve what do you use to connect the PVC hose to the other end of the valve? Thanks in advance Jonathan
  8. Many thanks yeah my wife says I over analysis things, I guess it's true lol Jonathan
  9. Yeah you did post it Dave, and thanks for that, I'm just after a battery, make model and AH that will do the job, which battery make and model are you using please? Thanks Jonathan
  10. So I've spoke to a few different companies who sell deep cycle batteries here in the UK and all weren't much good and kept asking me which battery I wanted. I said I was wanting their advice but they didn't really get the whole roof cleaning thing and just asked what battery I wanted. So as it stands I know a little bit more through my own research, I now know that gel sealed batteries are expensive over wet sealed batteries. The battery brands I can see over here are Numax, Lucas, Trojan (expensive), and Varta. I've tried to find out what my 12v pump amperage rate is and in the brochure it says 13.5 amps@10psi (the pump has a max of 80psi). One of the guys I spoke to said that I'd be better off buying a few wet sealed batteries for the same price as a gel sealed battery, views on that one? If anyone can offer further advice on this I'd be most grateful. My pump is as follows: Flojet R7000 Pentaflex 7.0 Model R7300142 12v 7gpm.
  11. Dave, do you have any photos of your setup you could post up here please? Thanks in advance Jonathan
  12. TBH I've never heard anything from Barry, I ordered it from his eBay page.... But thanks for the offer Jonathan
  13. Many thanks again for the informative reply (sorry I don't know your name) Mr PeakOfPerfection. I'm trying to replicate the Powerwash.com soft wash in a box system. The problem I've found is lack of information on how to build a system until I came on here. To my knowledge no one in the UK is using these soft wash system, they use pressure washers. I looked into having one of the Powerwash.com single tank systems sent over to the UK but the shipping and import tax plus the cost of the system was too high so I'm building my own system. I have a pressure washing business and wanted to add a roof cleaning system as I see it being a winner over here with our wet weather. So far I have the pump, PVC hoses, 3 way valve, master water nozzle on its way from the US and tank. I've ordered the aluminium box which I should have in 2 weeks. This is my first system and while I appreciated it won't be the most sophisticated in the world it'll be a start and if I can get a year or so out of it and things take off like I hope they will then I can invest in a bigger better air system. Like I said I've found info hard to come by and tried to make what I thought/think is a good enough entry level system. I didn't want to spend a fortune on a system that I might not get the use out of if things don't take off. Like I said I really appreciated the help and advice here, I have lots of questions but I'll ask them as and when I move the system along once I buy all the bits I need. Thanks again Jonathan
  14. That'll keep you busy for a bit, shame you had to be forced into making the change..... Sometimes I'm glad I don't have permanent staff....
  15. Thanks again, this is the pump I went for http://www.allpumpsdirect.co.uk/Flojet-Pentaflex-Diaphragm-Pump-R7300142A-5.5-Bar-26.5-Lpm-12V All the battery suppliers are closed today so I'll need to speak to them on Monday, would you suggest adding a fan to the aluminium case I have to keep the fan cool (air temps in the UK don't get as hot as they do in the US or very rarely. Thanks Jonathan
  16. Opps the demons of drink...... http://www.barden-uk.com/marine-and-leisure-batteries-overview.html Regards Jonathan
  17. If Gary could edit the topic heading that would be great, the beer has clearly affected English spelling opps. Lol (Not "was" but "using") Thanks Jonathan
  18. Hi all, Is anyone using or used Facebook (paid) advertising and if so how is it going? Thanks in advance Jonathan
  19. Hi All, How do you go about cleaning a roof with velux windows (roof windows)? I have a house with velux windows (not sure if they are called this in the US) and wondered if SH would damage these? When I get my system built I will be trying it out on my tiled roof first but I have velux windows on the roof and wanted to check that SH won't damage the frames and seals. Thanks in advance Jonathan
  20. Here's a website in the UK selling deep cycle marine batteries, do any of these stand out as a good brand/battery>? Thanks again Jonathan
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