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Apple Roof Cleaning (813) 655-8777

IS your roof cleaning website mobile search friendly ?

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OK my friends, do you know for sure that your webpage is mobile search friendly ? Over 50% of all searches are from mobile phones, so your website had Best be mobile friendly. Here is a handy free toolhttp://validator.w3.org/mobile/

Note: mobileOK tests cannot all be run when file upload is used. In particular, checks at the HTTP level and tests that apply on resources linked from the HTML document cannot be run. Also note that file upload may not work with Internet Explorer on some versions of Windows XP Service Pack 2, see ou…
  •  If you are on Wordpress (and why wouldn't you be), there are several free plugins that you can easily add to your website that will generate mobile friendly pages automatically! Test your webpage for mobile search compatibility, and fix it ASAP if not mobile compatible, if you want to stay in business.

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This previous April Google really started taking mobile optimization into consideration when ranking websites. Here is some more information and some of their tips for helping your website be mobile:


Good Post Dick! I had to get a few guys here who were running older versions of Wordpress to update their websites to the newer versions of Wordpress. Nearly all the new versions of Wordpress are mobile friendly out of the box, but not all! It is always good to check

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